Better Than Bootstrapping

The secret to scaling your business fast.


“Bootstrapping” is noble in concept but more expensive than you think. 

I’ve bootstrapped a business enough times to understand the benefits and the allure of building something without spending much cash. Unfortunately, the bootstrapping method is slow. It typically goes like this:


  1. Learn and practice new tasks yourself.
  2. Create a set of standard operating procedures so you can…
  3. Eventually hire someone else to run those procedures for you.
  4. Take on the next growing edge of the business and repeat steps one through three.


It’s how most people grow a business. You do each job yourself (initially doing five jobs at once), and gradually hire people to help as cashflow allows.


There’s a Better Way

What is the specific transaction that will generate cash for your business? Do you have a crystal-clear answer to that question?

If so, you can fast-forward the process of scaling...

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