The 18-minute Personal Growth Hack


By practicing 100 hours per year, you can be among the best at most things. 

Yes, I know how busy you are. Before you stop reading, consider that it takes only 18 minutes per day to log 100 hours of practice across a year. 

Today I’m going to suggest two places where you should use this 18-minute method. It’s an unusual application of the 80/20 principle that will get you even more bang for your buck.

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The “Residual Cost” of Progress


Which is better, the immediate cash flow of an amazing new business opportunity, or a project that adds only half as much profit but with zero future mindshare requirements to maintain it?

In our relentless pursuit of quick wins, we often overlook the long-term time and mindshare costs of our projects and accomplishments.

By taking a moment to pause and reflect, you can better assess these hidden costs and make smarter, more sustainable decisions.

We want to balance total impact with sustainability, ensuring your accomplishments don’t come at the expense of your future success.

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