person breaking through brickwall

Even a Mild Scarcity Mindset is Bad for Your Productivity

March 28, 20241 min read

Have you ever spent a lot of time and energy to save your business a small amount of money?

That’s an early warning sign of a scarcity mindset. If you want to play big, even a mild shift toward scarcity mindset can hold you back. And between mild, moderate and severe, can you guess which level of scarcity mindset is most common?

That’s right… it’s the mild version that’s barely noticeable. So today we’re enhancing your ability to spot the early signs of a mild scarcity mindset.

Let’s examine the psychology of scarcity and how it impacts your productivity. Then, you’ll be ready to identify your unique “canary in a coal mine” indicators and nip them in the bud.


Resources Mentioned:

Eat That Frog

Brie Sodano - Cash Confident

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