Next Level Productivity Hacks for Business Owners

There’s one secret shared by the most successful entrepreneurs I’ve met.

  • It’s the secret that allows them to scale a business infinitely.
  • It’s the secret to producing results for their customers.
  • And it’s the secret to increasing profit even when it seems there’s no room for growth.

Here’s what the most successful entrepreneurs do differently… 

They repeatedly identify and remove bottlenecks. They focus 90% of their attention on just two things:

  1. Gathering data to discover where the bottlenecks are in their operations, and
  2. Designing creative solutions to remove those bottlenecks.

As a productivity coach, this was a rather embarrassing lesson for me to learn. Because I thought I was the solution to their productivity goals.

I thought if I could just get the business owner to be more productive with their own time, everything else would fall into place. They would be so overjoyed with my services that they would recommend me to...

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